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Version: 2.0.0

Bet Result & Grader API Documentation


This endpoint returns all the final & live bet results and grade for every game. Filterable by sport, league, market, players & more.


You'll need a license key to use OpticOdds' API. You can get one by contacting us at

API Endpoint


key (required)

Your OpticOdds API license key.

sport (required)

The sport you want to receive a graded result for. We support the following:

  • Baseball
  • Basketball
  • Football
  • Hockey
  • Soccer
  • Tennis
  • MMA
  • eSports
  • Cricket

league (required)

The league you want to receive a graded result for (e.g. NFL).

game_id (required)

The game ID you want to receive a graded result for (e.g. 16341-13602-2022-01-23)

market_name (required)

The market name you want to receive a graded result for (e.g. Moneyline)

bet_name (required)

The bet name you want to receive a graded result for (e.g. Buffalo Bills). This is equivalent to the name field returned from the game-odds endpoint.


Sometimes due the the various naming conventions of sportsbooks, player names are not uniform. Passing a player_id will use the corresponding player if there are issues resolving the bet_name.


Sometimes, some results can be graded before the game is completed. Passing this parameter will tell you the live result at the time the endpoint is called. Use with caution as the default behavior for this endpoint is to wait until the game is completed before returning any results from this endpoint (to account for in game stat corrections or any other stat related issues).

Example Response

"data": {
"gameUID": "33152-30886-2022-02-17",
"awayTeam": "Washington Wizards",
"homeTeam": "Brooklyn Nets",
"gameStatus": "Completed",
"awayScore": 117,
"homeScore": 103,
"playerScore": null,
"betType": "Total Points",
"betName": "Under 215.5",
"betResult": "Lost"


Potential Values: Won, Lost, Refunded, Pending